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Google Guaranteed Case Study | Success Stories | Digital Marketing

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Click Source, a leading digital marketing agency based in London presents an insightful look into the success stories of three home service businesses that have thrived using Google Guaranteed. In a video hosted by Bernard from Click Source, the power of Google Guaranteed and the remarkable results achieved by these businesses are highlighted. Discover how these companies experienced impressive growth by paying only for qualified calls.

What is Google Guaranteed?

Google Guaranteed, also known as Local Service Ads, is a revolutionary advertising model designed to ensure that businesses only pay for qualified calls. This model eliminates unfruitful leads and unnecessary spending, focusing solely on generating genuine, high-quality customer inquiries.

CASE STUDY 1: Parkin Electrical


Parkin Electrical, a local electrical services company based in York, embarked on their Google Guaranteed journey on the 11th of July, 2023. Their goal was to increase their customer base and enhance lead quality through strategic digital marketing efforts.


Within just 20 days, Parkin Electrical accrued an impressive 48 qualified leads. Their average cost per lead was approximately £9.50, significantly lower than the industry average, which ranges between £12 and £15. These results demonstrate the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the Google Guaranteed model.

Key Metrics

• Launch Date: 11th July 2023
• Qualified Leads: 48
• Average Cost Per Lead: £9.50
• Industry Average Cost Per Lead: £12 to £15


Parkin Electrical’s success showcases the potential for substantial cost savings and high-quality lead generation with Google Guaranteed. The ability to secure leads at a cost well below the industry average highlights the effectiveness of Click Source’s optimisation strategies. Additionally, the cost per lead is expected to decrease further as the campaign continues to run and optimise.

CASE STUDY 2: Heritage Roofing


Heritage Roofing, serving the communities of Sunderland and Newcastle, launched its Google Guaranteed campaign in May 2023. This roofing company aimed to expand its market presence and attract more local customers through targeted digital advertising.


By July 2023, Heritage Roofing had secured an astounding 151 qualified leads. With an average cost of just £7 per lead, they significantly outperformed the industry average cost per lead of £10 to £13. This achievement has cemented their position as a top player in the North East roofing market.

Key Metrics

• Launch Date: May 2023
• Qualified Leads: 151
• Average Cost Per Lead: £7
• Industry Average Cost Per Lead: £10 to £13


Heritage Roofing’s case study demonstrates the effectiveness of Google Guaranteed in reducing lead acquisition costs while increasing lead quality. The company’s ability to secure a high volume of leads at a low cost per lead underscores the value of targeted digital marketing and the strategic expertise provided by Click Source.

CASE STUDY 3: TRS Roofing Limited


TRS Roofing Limited, based in Lancashire, began their Google Guaranteed campaign on the 3rd of July, 2023. This roofing company aimed to improve their lead generation efforts and capture a larger share of the local market.


In just one month, TRS Roofing Limited achieved a remarkable 167 qualified leads. Their average cost per lead was £8, which is notably competitive compared to the industry standard of £10 to £13. These results not only meet but surpass many of their industry counterparts.

Key Metrics

• Launch Date: 3rd July 2023
• Qualified Leads: 167
• Average Cost Per Lead: £8
• Industry Average Cost Per Lead: £10 to £13


TRS Roofing Limited’s success story highlights the power of Google Guaranteed in generating a high volume of cost-effective leads. Their ability to exceed industry benchmarks within such a short timeframe underscores the effectiveness of Click Source’s campaign management and optimisation strategies.


The success stories of Parkin Electrical, Heritage Roofing, and TRS Roofing Limited illustrate the remarkable benefits that home service businesses can achieve with Google Guaranteed. This pay-per-qualified-call model not only ensures efficient use of marketing budgets but also leads to significant cost savings over time.

Get Started with Click Source

Ready to embark on a similar digital journey? Contact Click Source today to learn how we can help turn your business into the next success story.

Choose Click Source and experience the transformative power of Google Guaranteed. Your success story awaits!

Transforming Aesthetic Academy
- A Case Study in Building a Strong Digital Presence


Welcome to a captivating case study presented by Click Source, London’s renowned digital marketing agency. In this study, we explore the transformative journey of Aesthetic Academy as it established a robust digital presence. Aesthetic Academy is a leading institution for advanced aesthetic training, empowering professionals in aesthetic medicine. However, they faced a significant challenge: building a strong online presence.

Establishing a Digital Presence

In today’s digital world, professionals rely heavily on online platforms to discover opportunities and enhance their careers. Despite their reputable accreditation and expert faculty, Aesthetic Academy struggled to connect with their target audience and showcase their offerings effectively.

Leveraging Click Source’s Expertise

Recognising the importance of a strong online presence, Aesthetic Academy sought the expertise of Click Source. Our team conducted in-depth market research, analysing the UK’s aesthetic medicine landscape, industry trends, and emerging opportunities. We identified a lucrative and competitive market for healthcare professionals seeking advanced training in aesthetic procedures.

Strategic Approach

Target Audience Identification

Based on our research, we identified Aesthetic Academy’s target audience: UK medical professionals seeking career advancement in aesthetic medicine. We tailored our strategies to meet their preferences, emphasising the academy’s reputable accreditation and faculty expertise. Our goal was to drive sustainable growth and a high ROI within the UK market.

SEO and Content Marketing

Through advanced SEO techniques, targeted digital advertising, and strategic content marketing, we positioned Aesthetic Academy as the premier choice for aesthetic training in the UK. Our strategy focused on increasing organic website traffic, improving search engine rankings, and generating qualified leads.

Branding and Web Design

We created a captivating logo that embodied professionalism, sophistication, and creativity. The logo instantly captured the attention and left a lasting impression on healthcare professionals. The website design was user-friendly and visually appealing, optimised for mobile devices with fast loading times. With high-quality imagery, intuitive navigation, and elegant aesthetics, it inspired confidence and encouraged professionals to explore the academy’s offerings.

On-Site Optimisation

We optimised the website’s content, meta tags, headings, and URLs with carefully researched keywords. This ensured higher search engine rankings and attracted targeted traffic from healthcare professionals seeking aesthetic training. By building authoritative backlinks through collaborations with industry publications and reputable websites, we established Aesthetic Academy as a trusted and credible source in the field.

Workflow System Automation

Enhancing Efficiency

At Click Source, we understand that efficient processes are vital in healthcare organisations. To maximise productivity and streamline administrative tasks, we developed a customised workflow system tailored to Aesthetic Academy’s unique needs. Through a thorough analysis of their internal processes, we identified pain points and areas that could benefit from automation.

Custom Workflow Solutions

Drawing upon our expertise in workflow automation tools and technologies, we crafted a solution that streamlined tasks, eliminated manual work, and enhanced overall productivity. By creating a customised workflow system for Aesthetic Academy, our aim was to empower their team with automated processes, allowing them to focus more on core responsibilities and deliver exceptional training experiences to healthcare professionals.

Social Media and Content Strategies

Building Online Presence

Click Source created profiles on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, showcasing the academy’s expertise and commitment to excellence. Through visually appealing graphics and compelling content, we aimed to resonate with healthcare professionals. Our content strategies focused on education, inspiration, and promotion, offering valuable insights, industry trends, success stories, and interactive elements to foster engagement and brand awareness.

Results and Engagement

Our tailored approach aimed to attract healthcare professionals to pursue advanced aesthetic training. Through our efforts, Aesthetic Academy gained significant brand visibility and loyalty.

Google Ads Campaign

Performance Max Strategy

Click Source created a powerful Google Ads campaign using the Performance Max strategy to maximise visibility, attract leads, and drive conversions. Through keyword research, we targeted relevant terms and crafted compelling ad copy. Our expertise optimised settings, budget allocation, and targeting to ensure maximum results.

Campaign Metrics

Clicks: 2027
Click-Through Rate (CTR): 1.83% (above the industry benchmark of 1.2%)
Cost-Per-Click (CPC): £0.54 (below industry average of £1.50)
Conversion Rate: 5.13%
Cost-Per-Conversion: £10.57

Recent Campaign Success

Building on their initial success, Aesthetic Academy’s recent Google Ads campaign continued to shine. With 403 clicks, they achieved an impressive click-through rate of 5.84%, well above the industry average. Their average CPC remained low at £0.53, ensuring optimal budget allocation and delivering a high return on investment. In terms of conversions, Aesthetic Academy achieved 35 successful conversions in the recent month, further lowering their cost per conversion to an impressive £6.08.


With Click Source’s collaboration, Aesthetic Academy achieved impressive digital growth, brand visibility, and engagement with healthcare professionals. Through meticulous research and strategy, we positioned the academy as a leading aesthetic training provider in the UK. Our branding efforts created a captivating identity, while SEO increased online visibility and traffic. Implementing a customised workflow system improved efficiency, and social media engagement established the academy as a trusted resource. The Google Ads campaign drove significant traffic, with high clicks, conversion rates, and a positive ROI.

Click Source empowers businesses with a strong digital presence, delivering exceptional results. Experience the transformative power of our digital marketing services. Book today for a free 45-minute strategy placement to enhance your online presence, attract leads, and drive growth in the competitive healthcare landscape.

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For your convenience, you can also contact us by filling out the form below. Provide your details and a brief message and one of our representatives will get back to you shortly.

CASE STUDY: How a Small Roofing Company in Northeast England
Increased Business with Google Ads


Welcome to our case study on how a small roofing company in Northeast England, Heritage Roofing, increased its business with Google Ads. Today, we’ll discuss how the team at Click Source helped them achieve their business goals through a targeted Google Ads campaign.

The Challenge

Company Background

Heritage Roofing is a small roofing company located in Northeast England that serves the Sunderland and Newcastle areas. Despite providing high-quality roofing services, the company was struggling to generate new business. To address this challenge, Heritage Roofing decided to explore the potential of Google Ads to reach a wider audience and increase its customer base.


The primary objectives for Heritage Roofing’s Google Ads campaign were twofold:

Increase Phone Calls

The primary goal was to generate more phone calls from potential customers interested in roofing services. By increasing phone calls, Heritage Roofing aimed to expand its customer base and boost revenue.

Differentiate from Competitors

The company also wanted to stand out from the competition by showcasing its expertise, quality workmanship, and exceptional customer service.

Budget Management

We set and manage your ad budget to maximise your return on investment while controlling costs.

Ad Placement

We strategically place your ads to appear in front of users actively searching for appliance repair services.

The Strategy

Campaign Development

The team at Click Source developed a targeted Google Ads campaign to achieve Heritage Roofing’s objectives. Key components of the strategy included

Call-Only Campaign

Given that the primary goal was to increase phone calls, a Call-Only campaign was recommended. This type of campaign focuses solely on driving phone calls from potential customers.

Professional Landing Page

A professional landing page was created to highlight Heritage Roofing’s expertise, quality workmanship, and exceptional customer service. This page was designed to convert visitors into leads effectively.

Maximise Conversions Bidding Strategy

To maximise the number of conversions, the Maximise Conversions bidding strategy was implemented. This strategy focuses on getting the most conversions for the campaign budget.

Location Targeting

The ads were targeted specifically to users in the Sunderland and Newcastle areas to ensure relevance and maximise the chances of conversion.


To maximise the effectiveness of the campaign, Click Source’s team implemented several key tactics:

SEO Optimisation

The landing page content, meta tags, headings, and URLs were optimised with carefully researched keywords to improve search engine rankings and attract targeted traffic.

High-Quality Imagery and Design

The landing page featured high-quality imagery, intuitive navigation, and a professional design optimised for mobile devices and fast loading times.

Authoritative Backlinks

By building authoritative backlinks through collaborations with industry publications and reputable websites, Heritage Roofing was positioned as a trusted and credible source in the roofing industry.

The Results

Campaign Performance

The data from Heritage Roofing’s Google Ads campaign demonstrated significant success in achieving its objectives:


Heritage Roofing’s campaign significantly outperformed the industry averages for roofing companies. The targeted Call-Only campaign, combined with a professional landing page and the Maximise Conversions bidding strategy, resulted in a higher click-through rate and conversion rate. Although the cost per click was slightly higher, the cost per conversion was significantly lower, demonstrating the efficiency and effectiveness of the campaign.


The success of Heritage Roofing’s Google Ads campaign underscores the importance of targeted advertising in generating new business. By working closely with Click Source, Heritage Roofing was able to identify its target audience, develop a call-only campaign, create a professional landing page, and utilise the Maximise Conversions bidding strategy.

Continued Success

The campaign generated a total of 379 phone calls and 154 conversions, achieving a lower cost per click and cost per conversion than the industry average for roofing companies. Heritage Roofing was thrilled with the results and continues to work with Click Source to grow their business and optimise their Google Ads campaign for continued success.

Get Started with Click Source

If you’re interested in developing a targeted advertising campaign for your business, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for expert guidance and support.

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For your convenience, you can also contact us by filling out the form below. Provide your details and a brief message and one of our representatives will get back to you shortly.

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